Bulletproof Tax & Accounting Firm

Making Tax Filing Easier  
With Personal Guidance

Welcome to my site. I am here to help you tax filing easier and hassle free with latest technology and best industry practices

Yes, let's do this!

Who We Are

The Tax Advisor Benefiting the Community

Mark RIcks
Mark Ricks
Hello my name is Mark Ricks.

I was born and raised in Washington dc. I have been working in the entertainment business over 25 years. Once Covid hit I needed to reinvent myself.

So in 2019 I started during tax preparation. I joined the BTO family which I am completely excited about. In the past two years I have been working diligently to help people with their tax needs.

In closing I'd like to say thank you again for choosing BTO Your Tax Office.

Our Services

Small Business Tax Returns 

We provide small business owners the extensive attention to detail in filing their tax returns and also help you think ahead to next year and beyond so you know what to keep in mind as your business grows.

Individual Tax Returns 

We have helped many individuals file their federal and state income tax returns. We pay close attention to detail and will thoroughly check and recheck all documents pertinent to your tax return.

Tax Preparation

We pay close attention to detail and will thoroughly check and recheck all documents pertinent to your tax return, which includes looking at tax returns from previous years.

Get your copy of our FREE 
'Guide to a Great 2022 Tax Filing'

This resource is a quick and easy, yet wisdom-filled document to help you have the best tax filing experience.

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Looking for True Relationship-Based Accounting?


Easy To Find & Convenient Hours

Due to the ongoing pandemic we are accepting appointments Virtually only. 
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Opening Hours (EST)

Monday             9:00am-6:00PM
Tuesday             9:00am-6:00PM
Wednesday       9:00am-6:00PM
Thursday           9:00am-6:00PM
Friday                 9:00am-6:00PM
Saturday            9:00am-6:00PM
Sunday               9:00am-6:00PM